CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Build before you have to.” James Clear

We are creatures that respond very, very well to pressure situations. If we are studying for a test, cramminng the day before tends to nearly be “magical”. Under such external pressures we create this urgency that drives results.

But, what if we don’t need that external pressure? What if we can create it for ourselves, internally, for everyday use? What a weapon that would be!

Build the skillset before you need to use it. Build the knowledge before you need to know it. Be ahead of the game. So that when it comes, we’re playing it and not vice versa. Create the urgency today through a commitment to ourselves. Always an eager student.

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Strict Handstand Push-Ups (These will be deficit 45/35. 2 min cap.)

HSPU with no added assistance from a kip.

Strict Pull-Up (2 min. cap.)

Snatch Balance Complex (Weight)

5 sets: (12 min)

– 1 snatch grip push jerk

– 1 OHS

– 1 snatch balance
Based on 1RM Snatch

set 1 – 73%

set 2 – 76%

set 3 – 79%

set 4 – 82%

set 5 – 85%

Score last heaviest complex

Pausing Snatch Complex (6 sets of 2 lifts (12 min))

6 sets

– 1 pausing power snatch

– 1 pausing squat snatch

1s pause first in the catch position and then in the hole position.
all based on 1RN Snatch

sets 1 & 2 – 73%

sets 3 & 4 – 77%

sets 5 & 6 – 81%

Score heaviest complex.

Shot Caller (Light) (Time)

3 rounds:

– 21 wallballs 20/14

– 18 alt. db power snatches MRx: 35/20; Rx: 50/35; Rx+: 70/50

– 15 toes 2 bar

– 12 box jump overs 24/20; Rx+: 30/24
Original WOD has 5 rounds. You’re welcome!


– 21 wallballs – jumping air squats. db goblet sqts, med ball cleans

– 18 alt. db power snatches – kb swings

– 15 box jumps – jumping lunges, 1 db reverse lunges

– 12 t2b – feet as high as possible, knees as high as possible, toe raises