CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“All you need are these: certainty of judgement in the present moment, action for the common good in the present moment, and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.” Marcus Aurelius

Perception. good action and gratitude. Written nearly two thousand years ago, these three disciplines apply to our lives as much today as back then.

Perception – In 2020 hindsight, everyone has the right answer. But in the present moment, things can go south. What creates the difference – our emotional state. Control our emotions, and we’ll find clarity of judgement in the present.

Good Actio – Perception is one thing, but it’s another to take the leap of action. Square ourselves off to the opportunity in front, and make it count. Every time. We never waste our failures. Worth writing twice, we never, waste, our failures.

Gratitude – Through the lens of gratitude, everything is a gift. Change this, and the world changes around us.

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push-up + toes 2 bar (AMRAP – Reps)

ascending ladder for 8:00 minutes

– 1 HRPU, 3 strict toes 2 bar

– 2 HRPU, 3 strict T2B

– 3HRPU, 3 strict T2B

– etc, going up by 1 HRPU each round

– Yes we just did push ups yesterday, we can do this.

– strict control on all parts of the T2B

– our score will be the last set of HRPU’s you do. For ex. if you make it to 26 HRPU’s within 8 minutes then your score is 26


– short, quick push up sets, short breaks – avoid those slow reps that bring us closer to muscle fatigue/failure.


– done right this is not a fast movement.

– keep legs straight. toes pointed, controlling movement down from the bar will build strength and increase our time under tension.


– V-ups

– other ab movements

– push – ups to wall or bench.

Christine (Time)

3 rounds

– 500m row

– 12 deadlifts 155/105

– 21 box jumps 24/20 (step ups are ok)
Modifications as needed