CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker

In business, this is ever important for leaders to fully understand. That the culture of the team is everything. Over any marketing plans, product launches, everything.

The same mindset is true for us as athletes.

We’ve all heard the line, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.” We believe that to be true. The picture perfect strategy, executed half-heartedly, will always be beaten by the less-than-ideal strategy, but executed with full heart.

Our character is our back bone. During the final round of a tough WOD it will not be our workout strategy that we fall back to. It’s something deeper. Cultivate that, and everything else will fall into place.

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– 2 minutes on any erg, or lap around the building

– foam roll calves, 1 minute each side

– 1-2 minutes straddle stretch

– 1-2 minutes butterfly stretch

Activation: 2 sets

– 10 lateral box step ups

– 10 abmat situps

– 10 air squats to the box

– 20 double unders (40 singles)

Do less (Time)

For time:

– 3,000m Echo bike

– 2,000m row

– 100 double unders

– 35 toes 2 bar

– Today’s chipper is all cardio and a gymnastic movement

– Work these higher reps, one station at a time.

– Expect this to take 18-25 minutes to complete (30 for us).


Echo Bike and row – Stay focused on these longer movements

– Pick a number or wattage or something to stay focused on a desired intensity.

– The majority of your effort will be here, stay focused!

DU’s & T2B:

– these two movements are about chipping through them.

– quick sets, short breaks to deal with muscle fatigue.

– Pick sets you can do without straining too hard.


Echo Bike:

– 1,200m run or ski erg


– 1 mile run

– 1600m ski erg

Double unders:

– reduce reps

– 200 singles

– 1:30 DU practice

– 100 line hops

– 50 over and back db hops


– reduce reps

– feet/knees as high as possible

– 35 toe raises

– 60 abmat situps


No Score

3 Giant sets of:

– 50m double db farmers carry (hang)

– 25m single arm OH carry db (left)

– 25m single arm OH db carry (right)

Rest 2:00 between sets (time available)


– Moving loads from A to B helps build midline stability

– db weight should be something you can do without putting it down during the effort.

Farmers Carry:

– Shoulder blades back and down

– hips under torso

– eyes straight forward

Single arm OH Carry:

– Shoulder blade back and down

– hips under torso, not to the side or tilted