CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

There’s something intoxicating about planning for the future. It’s the dream-world.

Yet when it comes time to cross the bridge from planning to execution, many lose their way. And nothing materializes.

View preparation as two parts, equally theoretical and tangible action.
Without the thought behind, it’s wasted energy in multiple directions.
And without action to follow thought, it’s nothing but a pipe dream.

There will be the voice that tells us, “there’s time to do this tomorrow”. But that brings us back to the quote we started with above. Are we going to react to tomorrow, or are we going to respond to today?

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Hot Flash (Time)


Power Snatches (95/65)

Kipping Handstand Push-ups

12 Minute Time Cap



Reduce Reps

Time Caps:

30 Reps: 3 Minutes

20 Reps: 2 Minutes

10 Reps: 1 Minute

Box Handstand Push-ups

Barbell Push Press


We’ll work through large ranges of motion in this simple couplet of weightlifting and gymnastics

This 3 rounder will primarily test conditioning, upper body stamina, and your ability to use your hips effectively

Choose weights and variations that ideally allow you to complete this under the 12 minute time cap


Choose a light weight today that you are able to cycle for 21+ reps unbroken when fresh

Within the workout, smaller sets are preferred over quick singles


If you have 21+ kipping handstand push-ups unbroken when fresh, let’s complete this station as written

If you’re not there yet, we can reduce the reps or choose a variation listed in “subs”

Common volume modifications from the prescribed 60 reps will be:

21-15-9 (45 Total Reps)

15-10-5 (30 Total Reps)



This workout will likely come down to finding sustainable sets of handstand push-ups

Locking out power snatches overhead combined with kipping handstand push-ups will challenge upper body pressing stamina

It may be best to be fairly conservative through the opening round of 30

There are 30 reps in the final 2 rounds of the workout as well (20-10)

In an perfect world, the first 30 reps and the final 30 reps take about the same time to complete

We’d rather break these up early and hold those sets across the board than start big and break a ton later on

Being aggressive with the hips in the kip will also help to take quite a bit of strain off the upper body

Consider the following break-up plans:

Set of 30:

1 Set: 30

2 Sets: 15-15 or 20-10

3 Sets: 10-10-10 or 12-10-8

4 Sets: 8-8-7-7

5 Sets: 6-6-6-6-6 or 10-8-6-4-2

6 Sets: 5-5-5-5-5-5

Set of 20:

1 Set: 20

2 Sets: 10-10

3 Sets: 8-7-5

4 Sets: 5-5-5-5

5 Sets: 4-4-4-4-4

6 Sets: 5-3-3-3-3-3

Set of 10:

1 Set: 10

2 Sets: 5-5

3 Sets: 4-3-3

4 Sets: 3-3-2-2

5 Sets: 2-2-2-2-2


While we’re capable of completing large sets, this could be a good time to give the arms a break

Smaller sets or even quick singles can give you more time to recover while continuing to move forward

Consider the following options for sets:

Set of 30:

2 Sets: 15-15 or 20-10

3 Sets: 10-10-10 or 12-10-8

4 Sets: 8-8-7-7

5 Sets: 6-6-6-6-6 or 10-8-6-4-2

6 Sets: 5-5-5-5-5-5

Set of 20:

2 Sets: 10-10

3 Sets: 8-7-5

4 Sets: 5-5-5-5

5 Sets: 4-4-4-4-4

6 Sets: 5-3-3-3-3-3

Set of 10:

1 Set: 10

2 Sets: 5-5

3 Sets: 4-3-3

4 Sets: 3-3-2-2

5 Sets: 2-2-2-2-2


Metcon (No Measure)

Not For Time:

50/35 Calorie Row

20 Strict Toes to Bar

50/35 Calorie Row

35 GHD Sit-ups

50/35 Calorie Row

50 AbMat Sit-ups



35/25 Calorie Assault Bike, Echo Bike, Bike Erg, or Ski Erg

75/50 Calorie Schwinn Bike

600 Meter Run

450 Meter Air Runner or Trueform

50/35 Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]


Reduce Reps

Feet as High as Possible (Without Swinging)

Toe Raises


Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

Today’s midline conditioning combines a lot of trunk flexion with 3 efforts on the rower

This piece is not for time, so look to move with quality in mind over speed

See below for movement videos and potential subs for each station