CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut” – Dr. Suess

This quote is worth reading twice.
We are creatures of habit. We enjoy our routines. From the morning rituals, to the way we warm up for a workout, to our regimented diets and food plans.

Although dialing in the routine is a great thing, it’s important that we remind ourselves to “keep our eyes open.” What Dr. Suess’s quote alludes to is an open mind. Even when we feel we’ve found exactly what works for us, we must resist the urge to close our eyes and ears to new ideas.

There is so much to learn, experience, and challenge ourselves with. That is, if we only keep our eyes open to do so.

Always a student.

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 Air Squats + 400m Run

20 Air Squats + 400m Run

30 Air Squats + 400m Run

Continue to add (10) squats per round

-Working through a longer 25 minute workout today

-After each run we’ll add 10 reps to our Air Squats

-Our score today will be the amount of Air Squats we complete plus however many reps we get into the next round

-For ease let’s count the run as 4 reps for the full 400m run (300=3, 200=2, 100=1) * For Example *

-If you finish the round of 40 Air Squats + the 400m Run and get 10 squats into the next round your score will be 44+10