CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” – Peter Drucker

In business, this is ever important for leaders to fully understand. That the culture of a team is everything. Over any marketing plans, product launches… anything.

The same mindset is true for us as athletes.

We’ve all heard the line, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog”. And we believe it to be true. The picture perfect strategy, executed half-heartedly, will always be beaten by the less-than-ideal strategy, but executed with full heart.

Our character is our back bone. During round 4 of “Kelly”, or the final minutes of an Open AMRAP, it will not be our “workout strategy” that we fall back to. It’s something deeper. Cultivate that, and everything else falls into place.

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Ascending Ladder for 5 Minutes:

2 Strict Handstand Push-ups

2 Calorie Row

4 Strict Handstand Push-ups

4 Calorie Row

Continue to Add (2) Rep to Each Movement

Rest 2 Minutes

Ascending Ladder for 5 Minutes:

2 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-ups (4″/3″)

2 Calorie Row

4 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-ups (4″/3″)

4 Calorie Row

Continue to Add (2) Rep to Each Movement



-Reduce Volume

-Box Handstand Push-ups


-Reduce Volume

-Reduce Deficit

-No Deficit

-Box Handstand Push-ups

-In this two part gymnastics skill piece, we’ll climb by 2 reps each round until the 5-minute cap is reached

-For part one, choose a variation that allows you to complete 10+ strict handstand push-ups when fresh

-For part two, choose a deficit that allows you to complete 10+ kipping handstand push-ups when fresh

-Put your hands on stacked plates to create these deficits

-To modify handstand push-up volume, simply climb by 1 rep instead of 2 each round

-Record total reps completed for each part

-Your score is the sum total of part 1 + part 2


Six Flags (Weight)

Every 3:00 x 6 Rounds:

21/15 Calorie Row

30 Double Unders

3 Power Snatches

Build in Power Snatch Weight



-Reduce Reps

-45 Single Unders

-30 Seconds of Practice


-Rounds begin every 3 minutes in this 6-round interval piece (0:00 – 3:00 – 6:00 – 9:00 – 12:00 – 15:00)

-You’ll complete the three movements listed and rest until the start of the next 3-minute window

-Each round, you’ll build in power snatch weight

-Your score for the day is the heaviest set of 3 power snatches

-To ensure we have some rest built in, let’s cap these rounds at 2:30


-The 3 power snatches can be completed touch and go or as single repetitions

-A good starting place for the first round could be around 55-60% of your 1RM snatch

-Use one barbell and switch out weights during rest periods


-The double under number is designed to be very small

-Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the movement unbroken or under 30 seconds


-The bike row number should be something you can complete in right around a minute



-While there is no score as far as our time goes for each round, we want to move with a purpose in order to complete these rounds in under 2:30


-Let’s row at a moderately fast pace to start each round

-We’re coming off some rest and are rewarded for higher power outputs when rowing for calories

-We mentioned in the stimulus section that we should aim to complete the row in around 1 minute each round


-Let’s practice picking the rope up quickly following the row calories

-With a small number or reps, aim to complete the double unders unbroken if possible


-At the lighter weights in the earlier rounds, you may be able to complete touch and go repetitions

-As the weights increase, the 3 reps will likely best be performed as quick singles

-Take this movement one round at a time, choosing the cycling option that allows you to move the weight most efficiently