CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“How much do you care about getting better?”
Sounds like a silly question, but most don’t think about this.
When we are truly care about getting better, our view on things change. We see events as a means to grow… truly chances to improve ourselves. The opposite is when we view everything as a test.
When we find ourselves comparing against others, stuck on the thought of viewing “X” as a measuring stick against our goals, remind ourselves of this question. How much do we care about getting better?
Back Squat
Back Squat
Set #1 (On the 0:00) – 9 Reps @ 76%
Set #2 (On the 2:00)- 7 Reps @ 83%
Set #3 (On the 4:00) – 5 Reps @ 90%
Set #4 (On the 6:00) – 3 Reps @ 95%
Set #5 (On the 8:00) – 1 Rep @ 100%
Set #6 (On the 9:00) – 1 Rep @ 102%
Set #7 (On the 10:00) – 1 Rep @ 104%
Set #8 (On the 11:00) – 1 Rep @ 104%
Set #9 (On the 12:00) – 1 Rep @ 104%
Set #10 (On the 13:00) – 1 Rep @ 104%
Set #11 (On the 14:00) – 1 Rep @ 104%
Percentages Based On 5RM Back Squat
Sets 1-4 Completed “On the 2:00”
Sets 5-11 Completed “On the 1:00”
-Week #2 in our progression.
-Last week, we climbed towards a heavy single. Our average percentage point of the five heavy singles was 104%. Today, we’re after volume, versus absolute. Aiming for five singles at 104%.
-Working off a running clock for this piece
-Sets 1-4 Completed “On the 2:00”
-Sets 5-11 Completed “On the 1:00”
Underrated (AMRAP – Reps)
30 Double Unders
1 Hang Squat Clean (135/95)
30 Double Unders
2 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)
30 Double Unders
3 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)
Climb By 1 Rep Each Round
-Reduce Reps
-45 Single Unders (1.5x)
-30 Seconds of Practice
-Over the 9 minutes of work, the hang squat clean reps climb by 1 every round
-The double under reps will remain the same throughout the workout
-Let’s choose a double under variation or rep number that can ideally be completed in 1 set each round
-The hang squat cleans should be performed at a weight that you could cycle for around 12-15 reps unbroken when fresh
-The score for this workout is total reps completed at the end of the 9 minutes *including double unders
-It’s the work that can’t be seen in the workout description that truly counts in this workout
-The opening 3 rounds essentially serve as a buy-in for what’s to come later
-The challenge comes as the hang squat clean reps start to climb higher and the double under volume piles up
-Move at a smooth pace early on that you see yourself holding 6+ minutes into this workout
Hang Squat Cleans:
-Once the barbell starts to approach a number that you consider challenging, think about getting to smaller checkpoints within the bigger set
-These checkpoints can help you to start the next movement more quickly than if you were thinking about having to complete a large set
-For Example:
-In the set of 8, just think about getting 4 reps done
-If you’re feeling good at 4, see if you can finish out the full set
-If you need a quick break, you’re already halfway done
Double Unders:
-Setting the rope down neatly after each set can also allow for efficient transitions and minimize wasted time during this short workout
-With a lot of transitions back and forth, time spent untangling the rope can add up fast