CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If you set your bar at “amazing,” it’s awfully difficult to start.” – Seth Godin
Comparing ourselves to others is a double-edged sword.
We always want to learn from our peers and mentors. The inspirational fuel we can draw is endless, and enormously helpful in reaching our goals.
But when we compare our current situation to someone who has already reached their success, it can often leave us feeling like we lack the required resources to get started at all. We see their optimal setup, and we convince ourselves that we need “that” to thrive.
It can be so dismantling, that it becomes our excuse to not start at all. It’s here we need to fight off the obsession of the perfect setup, and remind ourselves of the single resource that matters: simple, hard, work. If we can become obsessed with just that, the rest tends to fall into place.
The world-class set of golf clubs doesn’t teach a proper swing. Practice does.
Montoya (Time)
For Time:
15 Strict Handstand Push-ups
15 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
followed by
Calorie Row
followed by
15 Strict Handstand Push-ups
15 Strict Toes to Bar
followed by
Calorie Row
followed by
15 Strict Handstand Push-ups
15 Strict Pull-ups
followed by
Calorie Row
Strict Handstand Push-ups:
-Reduce Reps
-Feet on Box or Bench (Reduces Weight Being Pressed)
-Double Dumbbell Strict Press
Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups / Pull-ups
-Reduce Reps
-Banded Strict
-Ring Rows
Strict Toes to Bar
-Reduce Reps
-Feet as High as Possible
-GHD Sit-ups
-Weighted AbMat Sit-ups
-Combining strict gymnastics and machine conditioning in this longer piece
-To complete the workout as written, we recommend that you have 15+ stict pull-ups and strict handstand push-ups unbroken when fresh
-If we’re not quite there, we can reduce the volume or choose one of the variations listed in “substitutions”