CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” – Michael Jordan
The level of effort we will put in today will be relative to what we believe we can accomplish.
If we don’t believe we can lose the weight, we won’t consistently go to the gym. If we don’t believe we can get the job, we won’t put in the research and studying to get the job. We just can’t summon the effort for something we don’t believe is possible.
But this belief matters most not at the start, but in the middle. When hit the missteps… the challenges, hardships and trying moments. Here is where we can settle, changing our expectations for something more “attainable”. Not because it’s what we really wanted, but because we’re letting our circumstances change our belief that was once there.
That’s when we can remind ourselves that the quote above came from a man who was cut from his High School basketball team. A man who had every reason to change his expectations. And that, would have ended it. Yet… we know the rest of that story. What will be ours?
Gymnastic Conditioning
Strict Pull-Up
Not for Time:
30% Max Strict Pull-Ups + 50′ HS Walk
40% Max Strict Pull-Ups + 50′ HS Walk
50% Max Strict Pull-Ups + 50′ HS Walk
40% Max Strict Pull-Ups + 50′ HS Walk
30% Max Strict Pull-Ups + 50′ HS Walk
-Not for time – truly practice.
-The aim is to build up, and down, on the strict pull-up percentages.
-All sets are intended to be unbroken on the bar, and we are looking for a HS walk distance that we feel confident completing in 1:30 or less each round.
Point Break (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 DB Hang CJ (40/30) (50/35)
21/15 Calorie Row
20 DB Box Step-Ups (24″/20″) (40/30) (Rx+=50/35)
21/15 Calorie Row
20 DB Weighted Sit-ups (40/30) (Rx+= GHD Sit-Ups)
-30 Unweightred AbMat Sit-Ups
-Working with the dumbbell today on our conditioning in three places. DB Hang CJ, DB Box Step-Ups and DB Weighted Sit-ups.
-Light dumbbell, at “Open” loading. 30+ reps unbroken when fresh.
-Aim here is to move at a consistent pace throughout, keeping the movements fresh in the mind.
-On the DB CJ, DB Box Step-Ups, and DB Sit-Ups, we are looking to push for large, if not unbroken sets.
-The pacer now becomes the row, and is what either speeds us up or slows us down.
-A micro-goal in the workout is to test our pacing on the Rower. How well can we choose, and hold, a pace?