CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Ductus Exemplo”

The above quote is Latin, translating to “Leadership by Example”. Below is a short story of Ghandi, the famed spiritual and political leader, on the power of authentic leadership.

One day, a woman traveled a great distance to take her son to Ghandi. When they finally met, she asks for him to tell her son to “stop eating sugar”. Ghandi, in response to the request, asks the woman to come back in 30 days.

Confused, the woman leaves with her son, and returns 30 days later. She asks the same, for Ghandi to tell her son to stop eating sugar. Ghandi tenderly looks at the boy, and tells him to stop. Immediately, the boy agrees, pledging that he will no longer eat sugar.

Grateful, but still confused, the mother asks why she had to travel back 30 days later to begin with. Ghandi replied, “Because 30 days ago, I was still eating sugar”.

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Capacity Builder

5 Sets, Not for Time:

40 Unbroken Double Unders

40% Unbroken Ring Muscle-Ups


-On today’s capacity builder, looking to complete each set of both movements unbroken

-For example, if you trip at 20 double unders – start over at 0

-The muscle-up percentage is based off your max set of ring muscle-ups

-For example, if your max set is 10 ring muscle-ups, you’ll complete 4 unbroken each round

-Rest as needed between movements to complete them unbroken


Double Unders:

-Reduce Reps

-45 Seconds of Double Under Practice

-80 Single Unders

Ring Muscle-ups:

-Reduce Percentage

-Strict Banded Ring Muscle-ups

-Jumping Ring Muscle-ups


Bartender (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


12 Deadlifts

9 Overhead Squats

6 Hang Power Snatches

Barbell – 115/85

-Compare scores to Wednesday 6.19.19

-Choose a light to moderate barbell weight that you can complete the overhead squats and hang power snatches with 1 break max during the workout

-This is ideally a weight that you can complete around 5 rounds with, or 1 round every 2 minutes



-10 minutes in one spot, so the goal is to find a rhythm and a break-up strategy that is consistent for the duration of the workout


-Although light, the deadlifts are the easiest to break since they are quick to pick up

-This is where we can catch our breath a little bit for the more challenging movements that follow

-Break these in 2-3 sets

2 Sets: 7-5

3 Sets: 4-4-4


-This is the hardest movement to break, as breaking leads to you doing extra snatches

-Try to hold on for ideally 1 set, possibly 2:

1 Set: 9

2 Sets: 5-4


-This station is easier to break-up than the overhead squats, but not as easy as the deadlifts

-Think 1-2 sets quick sets here

1 Set: 6

2 Sets: 3-3

-After you finish this station, stay close to the barbell and just get your first set of deadlifts out of the way

-This is helpful mentally, as you already take a chunk out of that next round