CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“People are not lazy. They simply have goals that do not inspire them.” – Tony Robbins

Something we can all agree on – anything in life worth achieving, is going to be very, very hard. There’s no two ways about it. So we make goals.

But goals sometimes default to the “whats” in life. A “what” can be a certain amount of pounds on the barbell or an amount of pull-ups. Those are goals, but they are not “reasons”.

Reasons are what gets us out of bed in the morning. What we think about in the shower. What we see in the mirror when we look into it. Goals don’t move us forward – reasons do. Goals can be the waypoints or checkpoints along the way, but our reasons are the true North Star.

What are your goals? Can we refine them? Can we tie them to our reasons?

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Metcon (Time)

Teams of 3

For Time:

60 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

400 Meter Team Run

10 Rope Climbs

400 Meter Team Run

100 Bar Facing Burpees

400 Meter Team Run

10 Rope Climbs

400 Meter Team Run

60 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

-Teams of 3 will break up the indoor movement reps as they see fit, with 1 partner working at a time

-For the outside movement, the 400 meter runs, teammates will run together

-All athletes must return from the runs before the team can start the inside movements

-Choose a barbell weight that you can cycle for sets of 3-5 at a time during the workout

-Use one barbell unless there are athletes performing the workout with different weights


Rope Climbs

-Reduce Reps

-2:1 Seated Rope Pulls

-3:1 Strict Pull-up + Knees to Elbow

-5:1 Pull-ups or Ring Rows