CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“The man on top of the mountain did not fall there” – Vince Lombardi
When we see the best of the best compete, they seem to make it look effortless. So effortless, they get labeled with terms like “naturally talented” or “gifted”.
But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. As Vince Lombardi writes, they didn’t fall into excellence by chance.
The hard truth is that they have worked harder than us. It’s not because they were born with it, or because they received it by chance. It’s because they earned it. They climbed the mountain… there’s only one way up.
This isn’t intended to be demoralizing… it’s quite the opposite. It’s *empowering*. It’s proof that we too can climb, if we so choose to put in the work. That discipline and commitment over time can get us there.
It doesn’t matter where you started. And it doesn’t even matter where you are right now. All that matters, is where you want to go, and how hard you are willing to work for it.
Metcon (No Measure)
Gymnastic Skills
10 Minutes of Practice:
21 Banded Good Mornings
25-50′ Handstand Walk
-Keeping the heart rate low and focus high in this ‘not for score’ gymnastic practice session
-You’ll alternate between banded good mornings and 25-50 feet of handstand walking
-Banded Good Mornings
Handstand Walk
1 Minute of Practice
1 Minute of Handstand Weight Shifting
1 Minute of Box Shoulder Taps
Tummy Time (Time)
Toes to Bar
Deadlifts (205/145)
Barbell-Facing Burpees
“Tummy Time” is a down and back triplet workout that should take around 12-18 minutes to complete
Choose a toes to bar variation and deadlift weights that you could complete at least the set of 15 unbroken when fresh
Within the workout, these should be variations and weights that allow you to complete each round within 3 sets
On the bar facing burpee, you do not have to stand to full extension when jumping over
You can step up or jump up out of the burpee, but must have a two foot jump and land over the bar
Less is more on the toes to bar and deadlifts, especially since we climb back up to 12 and 15 reps of each movement following the set of 9
Breaking these up early on often can help minimize long breaks and excess muscular fatigue
The goal is to break these up before hit a big wall in order to come back strong for the next set
Below are some thoughts on how to approach each set:
Sets of 15:
5 Sets: 3-3-3-3-3
4 Sets: 4-4-4-3
3 Sets: 5-5-5
2 Sets: 8-7
Sets of 12:
4 Sets: 3-3-3-3
3 Sets: 4-4-4
2 Sets: 6-6
Sets of 9:
3 Sets: 3-3-3
2 Sets: 5-4