CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Patience is not the virtue. Discipline is.”
Discipline is not reserved for the military for martial artists. Whereas patience is our anchor for holding steady through the storm, it is our discipline that pushes us forward.
Discipline to our commitments, regardless of how seemingly large or small.
Discipline to our values, from our best to worst moments.
Discipline to the details, when there’s every excuse in the world to “let it slide”.
Patience is a subset of a deeper practice. That of discipline.
Metcon (No Measure)
5 Rounds:
300 Meter Row + 50% Unbroken Strict Pull-ups
Metcon (Time)
On the 5:00 x 5 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
30 Mtn Climbers
15 Toes to Bar
-“Cement Truck” is a beefed up version of a CompTrain Benchmark workout, “Cement Mixer”
-The goal with this interval work is to train large sets of toes to bar with an elevated heart rate
-Rounds begin on the 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, and 20:00
-Your score today is the slowest of the 5 rounds
-Choose variations and distances that allow you to complete the work in less than 4 minutes, giving you at least 1 minute to rest
-With the score today being the slowest of the 5 rounds, you’ll want to find a pace in the first couple rounds that you see yourself maintaining in rounds 3-5
-With 3+ minutes of work and 1-2 minutes of rest, these won’t be all out sprints, rather repeats at about 80-85% of your max effort
-With rest built in, let’s shoot for really large sets of toes to bar
-These are ideally completed in 1-2 sets
-Today, it is better to go slightly slower on the run to go bigger on the gymnastics