CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
If I only had an upper body – Tin Man shuffle (Time)
With a 45 minute time cap, both partners do 10 rounds of:
– 15 bench press Rx: 75/55; Rx+: 95/65
– 15 push ups ( every round will be a different variation of a push up – regular, HRPU, diamond, wide, staggered left – lft hand forward of right, staggered right, feet elevated regular, feet elevated diamond, dive bomber, one-hand)
– 15 abs (every round will be a different variation: abmat, flutter kicks, knees to elbows, toes to bar, Russian twists, crunches, dragon flags, floor wipers, oblique crunch left, oblique crunch right)
– between each round 100m Tin Man walk 15/10
– bench press weight should be something you can do 15 reps unbroken
– Tin Man Walk = fingertip carry of weights in both hands, alternating between front delt and side delt raises for the entire walk