CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“When we are closed to ideas, what we hear is criticism. When we are open to criticism, what we get is advice.” – Simon Sinek

Our immediate temptation when we receive feedback can be to defend. And often, this defense can be so strong, that it deafens us to any potential upside. We literally close it off, not because the actual information isn’t useful… but because we allowed our emotions to get in the way.

Next time we receive feedback, let’s listen. As obvious as that sounds, there will be a temptation to start to formulate a response, a justification, or an argument. If we are doing that, we aren’t listening.

Strip away the emotion, recognizing that someone has stopped their day to provide us with thoughts that could only make us better.

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Metcon (Time)

For Time, with a 9:00 Time Cap:

50 Box Jump Overs

*On the Minute – 5 Toes to Bar
The workout starts with 5 Toes to Bar. In the time remaining inside the minute, athletes work towards the 50 box jump total. At the turn of the minute, we return for 5 more Toes to Bar, cycling through this process until we either reach the 50 rep total, or the 9:00 time cap.

Le’s think through a sustainable pace for the duration, versus trying to maximize our reps in the early minutes. With the target being 50, and not 30, it’s more a longevity piece than a sprint piece.


Metcon (Time)


GHD Sit-Ups

*300 Meter Run after each set
Scale the GHD Sit-ups to weighted sit-ups