CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Seek not good from without; seek it within yourselves, or you will never find it.” – Epictetus

When something goes right, we’re relatively quick to point actions we took to get there. But when something goes wrong, it’s all too easy for us to do the opposite. To play the “blame game”, using external events as excuses.

A core tenant of Mental Toughness is responsibility. To accept that we played a role. But the purpose is not to blame ourselves, beat ourselves up, or throw a pity party. The purpose is that it gives us *options*.

When we take responsibility and look within, we now are in control. We can now focus on the moves to make to put ourselves into better position. It opens our eyes to the path forward. If we do the opposite however, and blame the externals, we have surrendered control. We won’t have any control, as the story we’re telling ourselves is that outside events determine my path.

Responsibility is a weapon.

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Hang Power Clean

On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:

1 Hang Clean Pull

1 Hang Clean High Pull

2 Hang Power Cleans

Set #1 – 50% of 1RM Clean

Set #2 – 55% of 1RM Clean

Sets #3+4+5 – 60% of 1RM Clean

Hang Clean Pull

This movement is a long arm throughout. With a big shrug at the top of the rep along with triple extension of the lower body, we are purely looking to find our speed through the middle.

Hang Clean High Pull

This movement builds upon the clean pull, and now finishes with a bending of the elbows. With elbows coming high to the outside, our aim here is to train our timing of the bend as well as the bar path. “Hide your knuckles” is a cue that can be helpful for keeping the bar close. Rotate the knuckles forward over the bar towards the ground which will help us find a better scarecrow position.

In terms of height, we are looking to bring the bar to about heart level. Any higher, and it can become an artificial feeling that we do not want to ingrain. Let the bar rise from the extension, and let gravity take it right back down to the hang (don’t fight the negative).

To finish the set, 2 hang power cleans to confirm the bar path and movement. Weights are intended to stay on the moderate side.


Water Break (3 Rounds for reps)

“Water Break” Part #1

AMRAP 4:00

27 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)

27 Lateral Burpees Over Rower

27/21 Calorie Row

Rest 4:00

“Water Break” Part #2

AMRAP 4:00

21 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)

21 Lateral Burpees Over Rower

21/15 Calorie Row

Rest 4:00

“Water Break” Part #3

AMRAP 4:00

15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

15 Lateral Burpees Over Rower

15/12 Calorie Row
Stimulus wise, we are looking for the following:

Part #1 – Very light. A load we feel confident we could do 27 unbroken with, when fresh.

Part #2 – Light/Moderate. A load we feel confident we could do 21 unbroken with, when fresh.

Part #3 – Moderate. A load we feel confident we could do 15 unbroken with, when fresh.

On the burpees over the rower, these are “lateral”. Completing our burpee parallel to the rower, our standard here for Rx will be a two-foot jump over the rower. Both feet are to take off at the same time, but can land one at a time on the other side. Of all three movements inside the workout, this will be the largest challenge for most. The count in these rounds are on the higher side, and will become metabolic. Pacing our efforts here will be important.

On the hang power cleans, efficiency is our focus point here. Although a simple thing to think about, it’s the reasoning behind that we want to take note of. The better we move here, the more energy we have left for the remaining two movements. These sets, despite the rounds starting with them, do not need to be unbroken. If we spike our heart rate in the first set of a 4:00 AMRAP, it is likely we won’t finish with our best time.

On the burpees, what is very helpful here is a breathing pace. Breathing at the top of each rep before dropping is a chance to regain our composure between each rep. The effort here is to move methodically through these totals so that we can bring strong pulls to our row.

Finishing a single round here will be challenging, but it is within reach in the first part. On the second part, we will find ourselves near the same finishing spot, ideally pushing a bit further than we did before. On the third and final, we are looking to surpass both.