CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

How does an echo start?

With a small sound. One that in and of itself, is barely even noticeable. But shortly thereafter that soft sound, comes it’s echo. Still maybe nothing to turn heads. Yet, this echo builds upon its previous. And again. And then again. Before we know it, it’s impossible to ignore.

It’s called the “changing of the echos”, and it starts with a single act. Can we start one today?

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Strength Test

Deadlift (Heavy 1-Rep)

Take 12 minutes to build up to and establish a Heavy 1-Rep Deadlift. This means you should be able to maintain good form all the way up and back down.


Metcon (Time)

For Time: (24 Min Cap)

2K Row

50 DB Snatches 30/20 (Rx+=50/35)

40 Front Racked Wall Ball Lunges (20/14)

30 Pull-Ups

20 Box Jumps (24″/20″) (Rx+= Burpee Box Jumps)
A descending repetition chipper, starting with a 2K row buy-in.

Although we will find some separation inside this distance, we want to remind ourselves that it is purely the buy-in. 10 seconds, although significant in a 2K race, can disappear in a single transition inside the gym in the following movements. We want to move here on this row, but it’s truly the buy-in. Let’s visualize the pace we believe we would hold for roughly a ~5K distance.

On the following DB Snatches, we have a single larger set. At 50 repetitions, a steady and methodical pattern for touch and go reps is key here. With a micro-pause at the top, we can settle into a breathing pace on these snatches. The key is to find the place to get the air in. Naturally, it is not in the bottom of the rep, and is instead after lockout as the hands are changing the bell as it descends.

On the 30 pull-ups, let’s aim for big sets. Some options for thought:




By no means do we want to hit a wall and reach failure in the pull-ups, but knowing that this is our final “pulling” station in our chipper, we can be aggressive here and hang on for challenging sets.

On the final burpee box jumps, let’s game plan for reps 10-20. This is where we will lose our pace, if we do. By seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, we may start these final 20 too quickly, resulting in the extra steps in the final reps… that add the extra seconds. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast on these reps to start. Focus on our footwork, and at rep 10, aim to move one step faster than our front half.