CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
On the 2:00 × 6 Sets:
3 @ 74%
1 @ 81%
3@ 74%
1 @ 86%
3 @ 74%
1 @ 91%
Vader (Time)
3 Rounds:
24/17 Calorie Row
21 Wallballs
18 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
15 Burpees
Rx Wallball – 20/14 (Males 10′ Target, Females 9′)
Rx Dumbbell – 50/35
In “Vader”, all repetitions and loads are intended to be on the manageable side, where the stimulus calls for each set to be completed with at most, one break. Applying this to the wallballs and dumbbell snatches, what we are creating here is a metabolic finish to our day where it’s less about if we can find large sets, and more about, how fast we move on the repetitions and transitions.
On the row, this is our pacer of the workout. We by all means want to maintain intensity here, but the first items we need to dial in is our transitions and sets on the wallballs and dumbbell snatches. If we find ourselves breaking here, we are highly likely losing any time gained by pushing the row.
On these wallballs and snatches, our aim here is fluid methodical movement. With the intentions again being that we complete these sets with at most a single break, it is our aim to push our efforts here with quick transitions large sets.
On the burpees, there is much time to be gained (or lost) here. It is naturally a movement that can slow for athletes dramatically, with athletes being separated by a dozen or more seconds per round on this station despite it being the smallest amount of repetitions in the workout compared to the other stations. Tight, compact motions pay off here, where excessive, wasted motion does not. We don’t need a specific speed to hold, but we do need to be consistent from round 1 to round 2. Without that, we can fall victim to those ever fast moving seconds. On our third and final round, let’s finish strong with what we have left.