CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
On the 2:00 × 6 Sets:
Set #1: 3 @ 72%
Set #2: 1 @ 79%
Set #3: 3 @ 72%
Set #4: 1 @ 84%
Set #5: 3 @ 72%
Set #6: 1 @ 89%
Increasing by 2% on all lifts from last weeks efforts.
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
100′ Single DB OH Walking Lunge
30 Box Jumps 24/20
10 Romanian Deadlifts
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
Athletes are free to build on the weighted movements between rounds.
100′ DB Walking Lunge
Using the Open standards, complete 4×25′. Free to change hands as seen fit. Focus here is not on speed (which was the focus in the Open), but rather on positioning. Ensuring we are maximizing our shoulder position through external rotation, while actively pressing the bicep as close to the ear as possible. Further, check in with the midline. Are we compensating to one side, and is one side more stable than the other? Use this as a diagnostic tool.
Romanian Deadlifts
Bringing the bar as close to the ground between reps, without actually touching the ground. It’s in effect a “no touch” stiff-legged deadlift, focusing on the posterior chain. Start at 25% of your estimated 1RM Deadlift, and climb from there as seen fit.