CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Go Here, Go There, will you make up your mind?!” (AMRAP – Reps)
In teams of two – three, with a 30 minute time cap do:
– 110m carry of equipment ( 1 bar and clips & two plates 35/25) 1 person carries the bar and clips, the other fingertip carries the bumper plates)
– perform 10 front squats each
– break down the bar, switch roles and carry the equipment 110m back, set it back up.
– perform 10 back squats each
– break down the bar, switch roles and carry the equipment 110m, set it back up
– perform 10 bent over rows each
– break down the bar, switch roles and carry the equipment 110m back, set it back up
– perform 10 back squats each
– and repeat as many times as possible in 30 minutes.
we may modify distance depending on weather and activity in the area