CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Muscle-Up Progressions (15 minutes)

-Start with strict pull-ups. You should be capable of at least 5 unbroken before you move on to the next step. Make sure you start to learn the proper muscles (especially in your back) that need to be used during this movement.

-Strict C2B pull-up. You should only need to be able to do one here. You should absolutely not kip in any capacity.

-Strict ring dips. Once again, there should be absolutely no kip involved in this movement. You should be capable of completing 5 unbroken reps.

-Ring muscle-up progression from the knees. You use this to familiarize yourself with the movement pattern as well as building muscle memory.

-Strict ring muscle-up. Use a false grip and get through the entire movement with absolutely no kipping motions. Just like a pull-up, you have no business kipping it if you cannot do it strict.

-Kipping muscle-ups. If you can complete everything on this list then you may begin to work on your kipping ring or bar muscle-ups.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

With a running clock

1 minute ME pull-ups

2 minutes ME KB Swings 24/16

3 minutes ME ttb

4 minutes ME burpees

5 minutes ME box jumps 24/20