CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Warm-Up (No Measure)

To be completed at the instruction of the coach
General Movement Prep (3-5min)

2 Sets: For Quality

:30 second Jump Rope

20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps

:20 second Extended Plank Reverse Bridge

10 Alternating Scorpion Stretch

Specific Prep (4-6min)

16 Double Unders or 32 Single Unders

10 Alternating Down Dog Toe Touches

6/6 Dumbbell Hang Snatch @ Warm-Up Loads

16 Double Unders or 32 Single Unders

4-6 Pike Push-Ups

8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch @ Warm-Up Loads

Barbell Warm-Up (No Measure)

To be completed at the instruction of the coach.
Specific Barbell Prep : Suggested Progression (4-6 min)

3 Hang Muscle Snatch

3 Low Hang Power Snatch

-Add Loads-

Practice Cycling Reps of Power Snatch for 3-5 Reps building weight to 60% of 1RM

*Coach should go through quality cycling components and bar path

Power Snatch (Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
5 Tng Power Snatch
Load: @ 65%+ of 1RM Power Snatch

Building to a Heavy Weight for the Day)

We are looking to start with a conservative set at 65% and then increase to a new Heavy 5RM for our Touch and Go Power Snatch. We originally tested this back the Week of December 2nd.

Supernova (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


12:00 AMRAP

4 Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups (MRx = 1 Abmat)

8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch

32 Double Unders

Dumbbell: MRx 30/20lb, Rx 50/35lb

Score = Rounds + Reps

Overview / Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

Goal Rounds:

Target 6-8+ rounds, maintaining a consistent pace of 1:30-2:00 per round.


The workout challenges skill and efficiency while keeping intensity moderate to high. Smooth transitions and controlled breathing will be key to sustaining effort throughout.

RPE: 8/10

The goal is to maintain steady movement without hitting a fatigue wall too early.

Primary Objective: Maintain unbroken and efficient movement across all stations to sustain a steady rhythm and minimize unnecessary breaks.

Secondary Objective: Limit transition times between movements to maximize total rounds. Any rest should be intentional and brief.


Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups should be performed with control, avoiding excessive time under tension.

Dumbbell Snatches should be smooth with a strong hip drive and seamless hand transitions.

Double Unders require composure; staying relaxed will prevent unnecessary trip-ups and keep the pace steady.

The focus should be on moving consistently with smart pacing and a strong push in the final minutes.

Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)

As prescribed

Accessory Work (No Measure)

For Load:

5 Sets

1:00 On/1:00 Off

-Weighted Tall Plank

If you can go unbroken, add load to each set. If not, use bodyweight and focus on not breaking positions.

Recovery (Checkmark)

PRVN Recovery #6

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h

1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d

1:00 Childs Pose