CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
Mobility and Body Heat (4 minutes)
400m Run
:30 second Puppy Dog Pose
:20/:20 Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Deep Lunge Ankle Mobilization
General (4-6 minutes)
2 Sets:
200m Run
10 Air Squats
10 Down Dog Toe Touch
:20/:20 second Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
20 Glute Bridges
Barbell Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach.
Specific Barbell Prep (6-8 minutes)
With an Empty Barbell
6 Overhead Squats
6 Front Squats
6 Back Squats
Add Light Load
4 Overhead Squats
4 Front Squats
4 Back Squats
Add Moderate Load
2 Overhead Squats
2 Front Squats
2 Back Squats
Then Start the Clock for the 5RM Back Squat
Back Squat (Back Squat
Take 12:00 minutes to Establish a Heavy 5 Rep for the Day)
Extra Instructions:
The goal is to build to around 8 RPE , so leaving some room in the tank for a little more in a couple weeks. Those really feeling it today, push it and get a new 5RM, but we are looking for our peak to come in a couple weeks down the line.
Dark n’ Stormy (Time)
“Dark ‘n Stormy”
For Time:
400m Run
(Weather Subs: 500/425M Row, 450/390M Ski, 1.1/1K Bike)
20 Overhead Squats
400m Run
25 Front Squats
400m Run
30 Back Squats
Barbell: MRx 75/55lb, Rx 115/75lb
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: 11:00 – 15:00
Time Cap: 15:00
RPE: 9/10
Stimulus: Squat Stamina and Running Capacity
Primary Objective: Go Big On Squats
Secondary Objective : Consistent Run Paces
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
For Time:
400m Run
20 Single Arm Overhead Squats
400m Run
25 Dual Dumbbell Front Squats
400m Run
30 Goblet Squats
Dumbbell: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Accessory Work (No Measure)
3-4 Sets: For Quality
10/10 Half Kneeling Paloff Press with Rotation
10-12 Reverse Nordic Curls
100ft (30m) Reverse Sled Drag
Recovery (Checkmark)
PRVN Mobility #10
10/10 Quadruped Adductor Hip Rock (5 sec Pause in Stretch)
1:00 Down Dog Calf Stretch
1:00/1:00 Active Pigeon Stretch (5 sec Pause in Stretch)
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch