CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Warm-Up (No Measure)

To be completed at the instruction of the coach
Mobility Prep + Body Heat (4-5 minutes):

2:00 minutes Cardio Choice

5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

10 Alternating Scorpions

:20/:20 second Samson Stretch Hold

:30/:30 second Banded Tricep Stretch

General Warm-Up (5–7 minutes):

2 Sets: For Quality

10 Tempo Air Squats (20×1)

8 Jumping Air Squats

10 Down Dog Toe Touches

8 Push-Ups

20 Mountain Climbers

Barbell Warm-Up (No Measure)

To be completed at the instruction of the coach.
Specific Warm-Up: (7-9 minutes):

Empty Barbell:

3 Hang Muscle Cleans

3 Hang Power Cleans

3 Front Squats

3 Tall Cleans

3 Hang Squat Cleans

3 Mid-Shin Squat Cleans

Then Take 5:00 minutes to Build to 70% of your Squat Clean

* In between each set

Perform 2-3 Burpee Box Jump Overs focusing on staying low and close to the box and working on hopping or stepping up from the Burpee into each Box Jump. The goal is finding efficient movements here that allow the heart rate and breath to stay controlled.

Raichu (7 Rounds for weight)


21:00 EMOM

Minute 1 – 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (MRx = Step Overs)

Minute 2 – 1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean

Minute 3 – Rest

Barbell @ 70%+ of 1RM Clean

Box: 24/20

% is Based on 1RM Squat Clean

Score = Sum Total Load

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

“Raichu” is a 21:00 EMOM designed to test and develop your ability to perform under fatigue. This workout alternates between high heart rate movements and heavy, technically demanding barbell work, with built-in rest to allow for quality effort and focus. The goal is to sustain intensity while managing technique and pacing, especially as fatigue builds.

Goal: Build to close to 90% of 1RM Clean for the Complex Today.

Stimulus: Battery Work

RPE : 7-8/10

Primary Objectiv e: Build technical proficiency under fatigue, focusing on barbell mechanics and efficient movement patterns.

Secondary Objective : Improve stamina and power output in a mixed-modality format, emphasizing smooth transitions and control during each minute.

Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)

21:00 EMOM

Minute 1 – 10 Burpee Bench Jump Overs

Minute 2 – 5 Dumbbell Squat Cleans + 5 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans

Minute 3 – Rest

Dumbbells: Choice

Accessory Work (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality:

:45 Weighted Forearm Plank

-:15 rest-

Max Ring Plank to RPE 9

-rest 1:00 b/t sets-


PRVN Recovery #5

1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch

1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch

1:00 Seated Chest Stretch

1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch