CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
2:00 Cardio Choice
8:00 minutes: For Quality
5 Up Downs (No Push-Up, No Jump Burpee)
10 Behind the Neck Elbow Punch Throughs
10 Barbell Good Mornings
:30 seconds Jump Rope Practice
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
3-5 Strict Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups
Then Build towards working weights on the barbell
Back Squat (Back Squat
Every 2:30 x 4 Sets
Set 1: 10 @ 60%
Set 2: 10 @ 65%
Set 3: 8 @ 70%
Set 4: 8 @ 70%)
Skybreaker (Time)
For Time:
5 Rounds
7 Burpee Pull-Ups
15 Front Squats
50 Double Unders
Barbell: MRx 95/65, Rx 115/75
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Time Domain + Time Cap:
Time Domain: 12-15 Minutes
Time Cap: 17 Minutes
Stimulus: Leg Stamina / Classic CrossFit Triplet
RPE: 8/10 – Hard, pushing close to threshold, but sustainable across 5 rounds.
Primary Objective: Maintain consistent pacing across all rounds—avoid redlining too early.
Secondary Objective: Aim to perform front squats in 1-2 sets and minimize rest between transitions
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
For Time:
5 Rounds
7 Burpee Pull-Ups
15 Goblet Squats
50 Single Unders
Load: Challenging, Unbroken
Accessory Work (No Measure)
For Quality:
4 Sets
:30 Plank, Heavy Weight
-:15 rest-
:30 Plank, Moderate Heavy Weighted
-:15 rest-
:30 /:30 Side Plank
-rest 1:00 b/t sets-
Recovery (Checkmark)
PRVN Recovery #8
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Childs Pose