CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instrucition of the coach.
3 Sets, For Quality
:30 Row
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts
10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
:30 Glute Bridge Hold
Runnin With the Devil (8 Rounds for time)
“Runnin’ With the Devil”
Each Set for Time, With Partner
Every 4:30 x 8 Sets
12 American Kettlebell Swings
9 Lateral Burpees over Rower
12/9 Calorie Row Sprint
Kettlebell: MRx 53/35, Rx 70/53
Each Partner will complete 1 full round within the 4:30 segment. Score is the time for both partners to complete the full round within each set.
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: Complete each set in under 90 seconds
Cap: Each partner must complete each working set in under 2:00.
Stimulus: Sprint Conditioning
RPE: 9/10
Primary Objective: Combined Working time for partners to be under 4:00
Secondary Objective: Maintain Consistency Across
We are looking to hit this one hard and fast with the goal of completing each set in under 90 seconds, which means a full 3:00 rest before the next time you attack each interval. This will be full all out sprints with the goal of consistency and managing fatigue to keep that consistency.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
Every 4:30 x 8 Sets
12 American Kettlebell Swings
9 Lateral Burpees over Object
:30 second Treadmill Sprint
Kettlebell: Choice
Accessory Work (No Measure)
4 Sets, For Quality
20 V-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
1:00 Weighted Plank
Rest 30 seconds
Recovery (Checkmark)
PRVN Recovery #4
:30sec/:30sec KB Calf Smash
1:00/1:00 Half Kneeling Hamstring Str etch
1:00/1:00 Tall Dragon Stretch
1:00 Standing Forward Fold
1:00 Updog Pose