CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Clean and Jerk (Front Squat + Jerk
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets
2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks

Perform @ 75-85%

*Any style jerk today, athlete choice.

% is Based on 1RM Clean & Jerk)

PRVN Classic (Time)

“PRVN Classic”

For Time:

5 Rounds

24 Wallball Shots

12-15-18-21-24 Pull-Ups

Wallball: 20/14

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

Goal: 8:00-12:00

*Time-cap 15:00

Score: Time

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Overall Time

Secondary Objective: Go Big on the Pull-Ups

This simple couplet is in the vein of a workout we might see in the final week of the Open. While this will start off approachable, the volume accumulates quickly and the heart rate will spike sooner than we think. Top end athletes will be looking to go largely unbroken, trust their fitness, and ‘figure it out’ in the final 2 rounds. Most would benefit from playing to their strengths here, going big on either the wallballs or the pull-ups, and focusing on an intelligent approach to the other movement.

Video Support:

Butterfly Pull-Ups

Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)

For Time:

5 Rounds

30 Air Squats

6-9-12-15-18 Strict Pull-Ups

Accessory Work (No Measure)

For Quality:

Part A

10:00 EMOM

Minute 1 – :45 Dead Hang

Minute 2 – 6/6 Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

Part B

5 Rounds

:30 Ring Curls

:30 Ring Skullcrushers

Add load to the dead hang if able. Use a moderate load on the single leg deadlifts.

Recovery (Checkmark)

PRVN Recovery #6

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h

1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d

1:00 Childs Pose