CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

The Dragon Warrior (Time)

“The Dragon Warrior”

For Time:

5:00/4:00/3:00 Work

12/9 Calorie Echo Bike

15 Box Jumps (MRx= Step-ups)

18 Toe to Bar (MRx= V-ups)

-Max Thrusters

-2:00 rest b/t sets-

*Continue until 75 Thrusters are Complete

If not completed in the 3:00 round, the athletes will then move back around to the 5:00 round again and on down.

Barbell: MRx 45/35, Rx 75/55, Rx+ 95/65

Box: 24/20”

Goal: Complete the workout in the 3:00 work interval

Stimulus: Leg and Midline Stamian

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Complete the workout in the final 3:00 time frame

Secondary Objective: Go big on the first two sets here to leave only a few reps here on the final segment.

The flow of this workout will have you hitting the Bike at a strong pace to complete within 40 seconds before tackling Box Jumps. These should be done quickly with a step down and in around 40 seconds as well. We will then jump up and hit a big set on Toe to Bar with the goal of completing these in 3 sets or less in order to get to the Thrusters by the 2:30 mark on the clock. This should leave another 2:30 in round 1 to complete as many thrusters as possible. We can see our top athletes getting in the range of close to 50 on just round 1 here. Then round 2 comes around and we will try to hit the same paces and times to allow for 90 seconds to complete the work. Some if they got to 50 have a chance of completing the work in round 2, but more than likely everyone will have between 5-15 reps in round 3 to complete. Finally round 3 comes around and we will see athletes need to really push to get at least 30 seconds of time to complete there final reps. Total running time is the score. So, on the clock it will be between 14:30-16:00 when most athletes complete the work.

Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)

For Time:

5:00/4:00/3:00 Work

5 Shuttle Runs

15 Bench Jumps

18 V-Ups

-Max Dumbbell Thrusters 35/25lb, 15/12kg

-2:00 rest b/t sets-

*Continue until 75 Thrusters are Complete

Recovery (Checkmark)

1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge

1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch

1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold

Accessory Work (No Measure)

For Quality:

16:00 EMOM

Minute 1 – 14 Alternating Rotational Slam Ball

Minute 2 – 4/4 90 Degree Box Jump

Minute 3 – :30/:30 Side Plank

Minute 4- Rest

Perform all movements at a moderate weight/height across.