CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Shoulder Press (Strict Press

Heavy Set of 20)


In part 1, we have the “primer” week of our 20 rep cycle, athletes will explore their thresholds for the 20 rep loading. Athlete’s will use the data gathered from this week 1 primer in order to perform an actual 20 rep max test next week.

Split Second (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

200 Meter Run

10 Hang Clean & Jerks MRx: 75/55 Rx: 95/65 Rx+115/85

Time Cap: 15 Minutes


Score | Time to complete work. Add 1s per rep if you are time capped.


Today’s piece is fast moving, and if you blink, you might miss it! We are trying to push the pace and remain unbroken on our barbell throughout this couplet, which means our breathing and our heart rate are the most important components for success. Smooth and controlled, is fast!


Runs | 1:00 or less

Hang Clean & Jerks | cycled in 1-2 sets in the workout


200M RUN

Reduce Distance

1:00 Time Cap

250/225m Row

175/150m Ski

500/450m Bike

150m Air Run


Reduce Loading

Reduce Reps

Hang Power Clean Only

Power Clean Only

Push Jerk Only

Sub Dumbbells

Kettlebell Swing