CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Ground Rule Double (Time)

“Ground Rule Double”

5 Rounds For Time:

50 Double Unders

30/24 Calorie Bike Erg

8 Dumbbell Push Press (R)

8 Dumbbell Push Press (L)

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets

Dumbbell: MRx: 30/15, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50/35

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

– Overview: We’ve got a hefty dumbbell and a spiked heart rate today with a little bit of recovery time between rounds. We’re giving a solid push on all 3 movements today, but the dumbbell is where the spice starts to hit, working under fatigue with a heavier than normal single arm push press with some tired legs to boot.

– Double Unders: Ideally we’re unbroken today. These should be completed in less than 1:00.

– Calorie Bike Erg: 2:15 or less of work each round, while this is not an easy pace we want to try and recover or control our breathing a bit here.

– Dumbbell Push Press: The weight is meant to be challenging, but sets should still remain unbroken throughout. A brief rest between arms is fine.

– Score: Total time to complete work, including rest. Goal is to be about 20:00 or less total time.
– While we have our longest period of time on the bike today, this may be where some opt to try and maintain a consistent working pace in order to recover their breathing a bit. This will allow them to transition to their dumbbell reps faster.

– With some rest between rounds we should be able to hold a harder pace during our work than we might if there was no rest. Use your rest intentionally by slowing your breathing and trying to recover your heart rate.



– Reduce Reps

– 75 Single Unders

– Plate Hops

– Reps of Singles & Doubles (Mix of Both)

– :30 On Any Machine


– Reduce Reps

– 2:15 Time Cap

– 30/24 Calorie Row

– 27/21 Calorie Ski

– 400m Run

– 300m Air Run


– Reduce Loading

– Sub Kettlebell

– Sub Barbell

– Dumbbell Strict Presses

– 12 Kipping HSPU