CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Power Clean (Power Clean

Build to A Heavy Single

– To Technical Failure means that once our form starts to break down (slow elbows, catching forward, catch in starfish, stopping at the hips, etc.) we stop our build up there.

– While we are building up to a heavy single rep, this may not mean that we are going for a PR today, we should still be determining whether we continue building on whether our form is still sound.

– Score: Load for heaviest single rep.

With An Empty Barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Power Cleans

5 Power Cleans @ A Light Weight

3 Power Cleans @ A Moderate Weight

Build to a heavy single for the day.

Rest at least 2:00 before/between heavy single attempts.


– Sub Hang Power Cleans

– Sub Dumbbells/Kettlebells

Hell End (Time)

“Hell End”

3 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run

12 Power Cleans MRx: 65/35, Rx: 85/55, Rx+: 105/75

21 Burpees

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

– Overview: Classic CrossFit piece today for 3 fast paced rounds! While the workout itself is meant to be consistent moving from beginning to end, most of us will need to decide which of these 3 movements to use as our pacer and a little bit of recovery for our breathing. Can you hold back a little in Round 1 in order to be able to empty the tank in Round 3?!

– Run: Should be 2:15 or less today, focusing on a consistent pace across all of our rounds should keep us from burning out in round 1.

– Power Cleans: 1-3 sets today in order to maintain the pace of this piece. Weight should not exceed 65% of our 1RM.

– Burpees: Steady pace throughout completed in 2:00 or less today.

– Score: Time to complete work. Add 1s per rep not completed if you are time capped.
– Athletes that are confident with this barbell today should push to complete their cleans unbroken or in two very quick sets. If this is the strategy you go with, you may need to use the burpees OR the run as your pacer to recover your breathing a bit as you work.

– We can choose one of these 3 movements as our pacer today based on our own strengths. Ideally we are picking 2 movements to push the gas, and only 1 to move at a sustainable pace so we can hold a harder pace on the others.


400M RUN

– Reduce Distance

– 2:15 Time Cap

– 500m Row

– 400/360m Ski

– 1000/900m Bike

– 300m Air Run


– Reduce Loading/Reps

– Hang Power Cleans

– Sub Dumbbells


– Reduce Reps

– Remove Push-up (Kick back to plank)

– 2:00 Time Cap

– 21 Cals On Any Machine

– Push-Ups