CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Front Squat (Front Squat

Max Repetitions of Front Squats @ 90%

* To Technical Failure


– Barbell should come from a rack.

– To Technical Failure means that we are only working so long as our form and technique are still intact. Once things start to break down or our final rep gets slow and grindy, we will end our set there.

– Athletes should build to 85%+10# from our previous attempt.

– Score: Load used for max rep set. Log reps completed in your workout notes section.


:30 Bottom Of Air Squat Hold

10 Air Squats

:30 Empty Barbell Elbow Rotations

:30 Empty Barbell Bottom of Front Squat Hold

10 Empty Barbell Front Squats

6 Front Squats @ A Light Weight

4 Front Squats @ A Moderate Weight

Build To 90%+10# in sets of 2-3 reps.

Rest 2:00 before attempting max rep set.

The Swing Of Things (Time)

“The Swing of Things”

For Time:

42 Kettlebell Swings

42/34 Calorie Bike Erg

120 Double Unders

30 Kettlebell Swings

30/24 Calorie Bike Erg

80 Double Unders

18 Kettlebell Swings

18/14 Calorie Bike Erg

40 Double Unders

Kettlebell: MRx: 35/25, Rx: 53/35

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

– Overview: Big cardio conditioning piece today and with a descending rep scheme, it’s sure to get spicier as the sets get smaller! How do we strategize to make the most of our work and handle the interference that comes with these movements?

– Kettlebell Swings: 1-2 sets, the kettlebell is on the lighter side today, so these are meant to be completed pretty quickly. Kettlebell needs to finish overhead and in line with our shoulders and hips to be considered Rx today.

– Calorie Bike Erg: 3:30, 2:30 and 1:30 or less, respectively.

– Double Unders: Completed in less than 2:00, 1:30 and 1:00, respectively.

– Score: Time to complete work. Add 1s per rep not completed if time capped.
– Athletes should aim to have two movements where we are really pushing the pace and one movement that allows us to catch our breath a little bit while we work.

– The grip fatigue will set in a bit once we get into our second round of work on the kettlebell, some athletes may choose to break their first round to prepare them for the following rounds that are meant to be faster as we go.



– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Russian Kettlebell Swings

– Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches

– Empty Barbell Hang Power Snatches


– Reduce Reps

– 3:30 Time Cap

– 42/34, 30/24, 18/14 Calorie Row

– 38/30, 27/21, 16/12 Calorie Ski

– 600/400/200m Run


– Reduce Reps

– 180/120/60 Single Unders

– Plate Hops

– Reps of Singles & Doubles (Mix of Both)

– Time On Any Machine