CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!'” — Audrey Hepburn

Back Squat (Back Squat

3 Sets:
2 Back Squats

• Start First Set At 60%
• Build Up To NO MORE than 80%
• Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets

– Overview: These are intended to be back-off sets meant to activate muscles and allow space for recovery.

– Be sure to move every set intentionally with as much speed as possible.

– Brace well. Even with lighter loads we still need to move well and protect the spine.

– Score: Load at 76-80%

– I recommend doing the first set at 60%, the second set at 70%, and the third set at 76-80%.


With an empty barbell:

20 Back Rack Elbow Rotations

10 Good Mornings

5 Squat Jumps

3 Tempo Back Squats at 30%

3 Back Squats at 50%

Shake A Leg (Time)

“Shake a Leg”

For Time:

30 Toes to Bar

30 Front Squats, MRx: 75/55, Rx: 105/75, Rx+: 135/95

30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

On the Minute [Starting at 0:00]:

5 Bar-facing Burpees

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

– Overview: Today is a challenging conditioning piece that forces you to work with diligence. If your cycle rate slows too much, you pay for it by not being able to complete enough reps before being required to do more burpees.

– This should feel like a hard-paced threshold workout.

– Your burpees should always be crisp and be able to be completed in under 25 seconds.

– Toes To Bar: You should be able to complete 8-15 reps per minute.

– Front Squats: You should be able to complete 8-15 reps per minute.

– Echo Bike: You should be able to complete 5-12 calories per minute.

– Score: Total Time. If capped, add 1s for every incomplete rep.



– Reduce Reps

– V-Ups

– Toes To As High As Possible

– Knees To Chest

– Hanging Knee Raises

– GHD Sit-Ups

– Sit-Ups


– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Sub Dumbbells

– Goblet Squats

– 60 Air Squats

– Back Squats


– 40/32 Calorie Bike Erg, Row, or Ski

– 400m Run

– 300m AirRunner

– 16 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 25ft down & back)


– Reduce Reps

– Bar-Facing Burpees (With Step Over)

– Lateral Barbell Burpees

– Regular Burpees

– Calories On Any Machine
– If you are good at toes to bar, focus on a fast cycle rate and going unbroken.

– If you are not good at toes to bar, do smaller sets to minimize the rest between sets. Never take a working set to failure. Small sets with short breaks will be better and allow for faster cycle time on the burpees.

– The same principles apply to the front squats.

– Do not hammer the Echo Bike if you believe you will be on it for more than 4 sets. It WILL affect your burpees too much. Pace wisely.