CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Power Clean (Power Clean

Max Repetitions of Power Cleans @ 80%

*To Technical Failure

– Athletes should only go to technical failure on their max rep set, once your form starts to break down, end your set.

– Should only make one attempt at our max rep set.

– These reps need to be touch and go to be considered Rx. Bar may rest on shoulders or at the hip, but not on the floor.

– Use small cycled sets of 3-5 to build up to your 80% and practice where you’d like to rest between reps if necessary.

– Score: Number of reps completed for max rep set and your weight used. Record any other information in your workout notes section.


With An Empty Barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Power Cleans

5 Power Cleans @ A Light Weight

5 Power Cleans @ A Moderate Weight

Build To 80%.


– Reduce Percentage

– Hang Power Cleans

– Sub Dumbbells/Kettlebells

Super Size (Time)

“Super Size”

5 Rounds For Time:

10 Power Cleans MRx: 115/65, Rx: 135/85, Rx+: 155/105

10 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

– Overview: This is definitely a couplet where you want to try and come out smart or conservative and pick up the pace as you go. The spicy combination of these two movements both being explosive hip openers is sure to start to blow up our heart rate as well as slow down our pace if we come out the gate too hot.

– Power Cleans: 1:00 or less. Cycled for quick sets or in fast singles.

– Burpee Box Jumps: 1:30 or less.

– Score: Total time to complete work.



– Reduce Loading/Reps

– Hang Power Cleans

– Sub Dumbbells


– Reduce Box Height

– Burpee Box Step-Ups

– Burpees Only

– Box Jumps Only

– Burpee Box Jump Overs
– Athletes should play it smart from the start on this one, coming out at a pace that is very sustainable and trying to increase their intensity as they get into the last couple of rounds.

– Those who are comfortable cycling this weight should pick smart sets that allow them to keep their breathing and heart rate under control, allowing a smooth consistent pace on the burpee box jumps.

– Those who are less comfortable with this weight on the barbell and/or the burpee box jumps should find a consistent pace of quick singles on the bar to achieve the stimulus without blowing up early. Cadence is key.