CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Back Squat (Back Squat
Max Repetitions of Back Squats @ 80-90%
*To Technical Failure
– Athletes should complete 1 set of max back squats to technical failure.
– “To Technical Failure” means that when your cycle speed slows, your form starts to break down, or you hit a sticky rep, we’ll end there.
– Athletes should aim to complete 2-4 reps at 90%.
– Score: Loading and Reps
:60 Bottom Of Air Squat Hold
10 Air Squats
10 Lateral Lunges
:30 Empty Barbell Bottom of Back Squat Hold
10 Empty Barbell Back Squats
*Build to 90% in sets of 1-3 reps at a time.
*Rest at least 2 minutes after final warm-up set before attempting your max set.
– Reduce Percentage
– Box Squat
– Front Squat
Have A Ball (Calories)
“Have A Ball”
On the 3:00 x 5 Rounds:
50-40-30-20-10 Wallballs Marx: 14/10, Rx: 20/14
Max Calorie Row
– Overview: This is a somewhat gnarly interval couplet today, and the first round is a real test and push. With no rest between these intervals we’ve got to move through those first bigger sets of wallballs with real haste in order to earn us some time to accumulate calories on the rower. Who will get to the rower in those first couple of rounds?
– Wallballs: Choose sets that are fast and allow you to keep moving.
– Score: Total calories accumulated on the rower.
– Athletes will get most of their time on the rower in the back half of these intervals, choosing smart but consistent wallball sets is key to keeping things under control in the beginning so you’ve got some gas towards the end.
– Resting your arms by dropping them down between wallball reps may help to hold some of the arm fatigue off, as well as being aware of your breathing during your wallballs.
– Big sprint starts to get the rower fan moving quickly in the back half will help you get the most out of the limited time you’ll have to work on the rower for calories.
– Reduce Reps/Loading/Target
– Single Dumbbell Thrusters
– Empty Barbell Thrusters
– 75-60-45-30-15 x Air Squats
– Ski/Bike Erg/Assault/Echo