CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Winter Wonderland (Time)

Do the following:

30s max distance ski erg

then 4 rds of:

10 – db pullovers Rx: 45/30; Rx+: 55/40

10 – Abmat situps

30s max distance ski erg

then 4 rds of:

20 weighted Bulgarian split squats Rx: 45/30; Rx+: 55/40

10 hanging alternating leg raises

30s max distance ski erg

then 4 rds of:

10 – db alternating curls Rx: 45/30;Rx+: 55/40

10 – V-ups

30s max distance ski erg

then 4 rds of:

10 – 2 hand OH db triceps ext. Rx: 45’30; Rx+: 55/40

10 – floor M&M’s

30s max distance ski erg

ten 4 rds of:

10 – db kickbacks Rx: 45/30; Rx+: 55/40

10 – db Russian twists Rx: 45/30; Rx+; 55’40
Ski distance will be recorded in comment box