CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Give more. Give what you didn’t get. Love more. Drop the old story.” We often hold onto the past. And we all have felt ourselves do it. Sometimes they are worn as scars, sometimes like trophies. It’s not uncommon to use past events as a chip on your shoulder. “They didn’t believe in me”. All of those are potent motivators. But they only last so long, as they are fleeting and weaker forms of ammunition. When we “fight against” something, such as something in the past, we will only go so far. When we “fight for” something, it’s different. Its purpose and meaning go beyond our singular life, transcending to something far bigger. This is where you can move mountains. Do you hold onto something from the past? Can we reframe the mental dialogue?

Mojo Dojo Casa House (Time)

“Mojo Dojo Casa House”

5 Rounds For Time:

20 Push-ups

30 Sit-ups

400 Meter Row

5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs (15ft.)

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

– Overview: In this longer aerobic workout, athletes are encouraged to move at a sustainable pace throughout. Breaking up the push-ups and pacing out the rope climbs so that there are no missed reps will be key things to consider here.

– Push-Ups: Reps should be completed in sets of 5 or more in 1:00 or less.

– Sit-Ups: Reps should be completed in 1:00 or less.

– Row: Each 400m row should take 2:15 or less to complete.

– Rope Climbs: Athletes should be able to perform a rope climb every 30s within each round of this workout (2:30-2:00-1:30-1:00-30s).

– Score: Total time. If capped add 1s for every incomplete rep. 100m = 1 Rep.
– Let’s try to complete the push-ups in sets of 5 or more. The smaller the set, the quicker the break should be. Break these right from the start if you know you will need breaks in the later rounds. – Settle into a steady pace on the sit-ups. Just try to stay moving here. – Run at a pace that is going to allow you to come in and get right to work on the rope climbs. – Be methodical about your rope climbs. Focus on strong foot clamps and use the clock to help time out your breaks between reps to help keep you moving.


PUSH-UPS – Reduce Reps – Hand Release Push-Ups – Box Push-Ups – Dumbbell Bench Press SIT-UPS – Reduce Reps – Hollow Rocks

500 METER ROW – Reduce Distance – 2:15 Time Cap

– 400m Ski – 1,000m Bike – 300m Air Run

ROPE CLIMB – Reduce Height – Reduce Reps – 2 Lay to Stand Climb – 3 Strict Pull-Ups = 1 Rope – 4 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows = 1 Rope – 5 Ring Rows = 1 Rope – 5 Toes To Bar = 1 Rope

Cool Down (No Measure)

Standing Forward Bend on box w/kettlebell
Standing Figure Four
Frog Stretch
Plank to Scorpion Reach
Wrist Stretches
Seated Overhead Shoulder Stretch
Laying Down Knees To Side Stretch arms to T
Seated Neck Stretches
Shoulder Rolls/Shrugs