CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.” – Jim Kwik Our harshest critic is in between our ears. We’ve all been there… telling ourselves we suck. That we’re simply not good enough. Too old, too young, not good looking enough, not smart enough. Each time we tell ourselves these things, we add one more vote to become them. The mind has this incredible power to bring into this world whatever we fixate on. Yet what can be the harshest critic, can be the most powerful ally. Let’s leverage those thoughts to our best advantage.

Push Jerk (Push Jerk

On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:
3 Push Jerks

*Start First Working Set at 75% & Build From There Each Set

– All sets should be completed unbroken.

– Barbell should be taken from a rack.

– Athletes should build in weight each set as long as they are still moving well.

– Score: Enter the loading of each set. Overall score will be your heaviest set.


20s Empty Barbell Overhead Hold

5 Empty Barbell Strict Presses

5 Empty Barbell Push Presses

5 Empty Barbell Push Jerks

3 Push Jerks @ Light Weight

3 Push Jerks @ Moderate Weight Build To 75%


– Push Press – Split Jerks – Sub Dumbbells

Double Up (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



60 Double Unders

10-20-30…Wallballs MRx: 14/10, Rx: 20/14

– Overview: In this shorter AMRAP, athletes will be challenged to hold on for bigger sets of wallballs. This workout will become more grindy in the back half as the wallball reps increase.

– Double Unders: Should be completed in 1:00 or less. – Wallballs: Athletes should use a loading they can complete a set of 20+ reps unbroken when fresh.

– Score: Rounds + Reps
– Let’s aim to complete the double unders in 1-2 sets each round. If you take a break, try to keep it 10 seconds or less. – Try to hold onto the ball for sets of 10 or more in this workout. The key here is to keep your breaks short, just like we talked about for the double unders. Try to keep these breaks 10 seconds or less.


DOUBLE UNDERS – Reduce Reps – 90 Single Unders – 60 Plate Hops – 1:00 Effort On Any Machine

WALLBALLS – Reduce Reps/Loading/Target – Single Dumbbell Thrusters – Empty Barbell Thrusters – 15-30-45…Air Squats

Skill Conditioning (AMRAP – Reps)

Skill Conditioning

3 Rounds For Total Reps:
1-2-3 Minute Echo Bike Calories
1 Minute Max Handstand Walk Segments (25ft.)

Total Time: 9 Minutes

– Athletes should aim for the same number of calories per minute. 

– The HSW segments must be completed unbroken to count toward your score.

– Score: Total fully completed HSW segments.

– Assault Bike
– Bike Erg
– Ski
– Row
– Run
– Shuttle Runs

– Reduce Segments
– Remove Minimum Unbroken Distance
– Sub Dumbbell Overhead Carry
– Wall Walks
– Handstand Shoulder Taps