CrossFit – Thu, Oct 19
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “Real fears can be overcome. It’s the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.” - Theodore Vale Fear can be absolutely paralyzing. [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “Real fears can be overcome. It’s the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.” - Theodore Vale Fear can be absolutely paralyzing. [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “Never confuse movement, with action” - Ernest Hemingway Busy work is our mortal enemy. “Movement” in the quote above refers [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “Think like an immigrant. Act like an artisan.” To “think like an immigrant” is to have a mindset where nothing [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.” - Dr Suess Words from [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitPumpkin Watch (AMRAP - Reps)In teams of 2 do two rds of: work:v 1:30, rest: 30s (1) seated earthquake bar strict press [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “The opposite of play is not work. The opposite of play is depression.” – Brene Brown Sometimes along the way, [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “If you set your bar at “amazing,” it’s awfully difficult to start.” - Seth Godin Comparing ourselves to others is [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “Motivation can get you started. Commitment is what keeps you going.” - Jim Rohn Motivation feels good. It makes things [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” - Albert [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitCFE INSPIRE “Rome was not built in a day.” - John Heywood An old adage on building greatness. Indeed an accurate statement, [...]