CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Goo – bel Gooble (Time)

3 rds for time:

– 24′ wall ball inch worm (12′ out and back)

– 30 alternating plank support (15/15) Rx: 0; Rx+ 25/15

– 50 kb hollow body scissor kicks (25 each leg) MRx: 20 lb.; Rx: 25 lb; Rx+: 16 kg

– 104′ monkey grip db carry: Rx: 20; Rx+: 45

– 15 db pullover Rx: 30; Rx+: 45

– 10 kb Arnolds press (5 each) MRx: 10 lb; Rx: 15 lb; Rx+: 20 kg

– 20 plate steering wheel turns (10 each side) MRx: 15; Rx: 25; Rx+: 35
Use one hand down and the other back for the Monkey grip carry