CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Water the flowers, not the weeds.”

Imagine your vision being a water hose.

And wherever your attention goes, you water.

Because whatever we end up watering… grows.

Every day, we are going to spend our water (our thoughts)on something. And there is a finite amount that we get to spend. If we choose to spend it on the weeds, those thoughts will grow stronger. Purely for the visualization, imagine gossip, and where that takes us.

Check in with ourselves today.

Are we watering the flowers, or the weeds?

Bench Press (Bench Press

Set 1: 10 Bench Press @ 58%
Set 2: 8 Bench Press @ 67%
Set 3 6 Bench Press @ 76%
Set 4: 10 Bench Press @ 61%
Set 5: 8 Bench Press @ 70%
Set 6: 6 Bench Press @ 79% )

– Barbell should be taken from a rack.

– Reps should be performed unbroken each set.

– If you don’t have a spotter, do not use collars on the bar for safety incase you miss a rep and need to dump the bar.

– Score:Enter loading of the last set only. Set 6 @79%


10 Push-Ups

10 Empty Barbell Bench Press

Build To 58%


– Reduce Reps

– Sub Dumbbells

– Floor Press

Kelly (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps, 24” / 20”
30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
– Overview: This is a repeat workout from 9/20/2022. In this classic CrossFit benchmark workout, athletes will be challenged to hold on for big sets of wallballs while pacing the run and box jumps in a way that will allow them to stick to those bigger sets.

– Run: Should be completed in 2:15 or less.

– Box Jumps: Stand all the way up on the box. Reps should be completed in 1:15 or less.

– Wallballs: Reps should be completed in 1:30 or less.

– Score: Total time.

– Run at a pace that allows you to excel on the indoor movements. Only put the foot on the gas pedal if you are confident you can get right to work on the box jumps that follow.

– Find a steady, consistent pace on the box jumps.

– Break the wallballs in a way that will allow you to rest for as little time between sets as possible. 5’s, 6’s, 8-8-7-7, 12-10-8, or 18-12 are some options for sets.

– Major goal in this workout is to stay in motion.



– Reduce Distance

– 500/450m Row

– 400/350m Ski

– 1000/800m Bike

– 300m Air Run


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Box Height

– Box Step-Ups

– Broad Jumps

– 15/12 Cal Bike Erg

– 12/10 Cal Assault or Echo Bike


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Target Height

– Single Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters