CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Don’t look for the third thing.” – Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius breaks down a good deed into two positive results:
1. You did good, and,
2. You helped another.
The first positive result is that *you* did good. Every good deed is a vote towards ourselves becoming better human beings. The second is that your actions helped *another*. Whether big or small, you’ve benefited another human being today.
There is a “third thing” that one can seek, and it was Marcus strongly speaks against: credit.
When one contributes with a good deed, doing right by oneself, and doing right by another, is enough. The desire to receive praise for such an action is the pitfall he warns against. To go around expecting thanks is what he deems as greedy, which can trickle into other areas of life.
Turkish Get Up (5 x 2
(1 Rep per arm)
You decide your weight with the kettlebell. Start out light and work on form and balance.
Try to increase the weight each set.
SCORE: Heaviest set of 2.)
Olivia (Time)
4 Rounds for Time:
21/15 calorie Ski
15 Hip Extensions
15 Calf Raises (on a plate)
15 Bench Dips
15 M&M’s
15 American KB Swings
KB-MRx: 25/15, Rx: 35/25, Rx+: 53/35
-Find steady pace to work through each movement.
-Spend time on form and full extension
-Hip extensions can be done with a kb weight, single leg, or dumbbell
Mobility Time (No Measure)
Puppy Pose with Frog Stretch
Shoulder to Floor
Wrist Stretches
Pigeon Pose
Banded Hamstring
Couch Stretch