CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

The CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds of 10-15 reps of:
Samson Stretch (15-30 seconds)
Overhead Squat with PVC
Start with a 1-2 minute run or walk.

Do two rounds of the above and no more than 10 reps of: OH squat, sit-ups, back extensions (good mornings), and PVC pass thru’s.

Do not do pull ups or dips.

Do Bergener warm up for cleans and snatches

1 minute Grace (Time)

The goal is to pick a weight that allows you to complete 30 clean & jerks in 1 minute or less.

At present, the fastest time recorded is :59s. Just over 1 minute is common place for top CrossFit athletes.
Elite athletes under 2 minutes
Advanced athletes 3-4 minutes
Beginners 6-7 minutes

1 minute Grace (Time)

The goal is to pick a weight that allows you to complete 30 clean & jerks in 1 minute or less.

At present, the fastest time recorded is :59s. Just over 1 minute is common place for top CrossFit athletes.
Elite athletes under 2 minutes
Advanced athletes 3-4 minutes
Beginners 6-7 minutes

1 minute Isabel (Time)

The goal is to pick a weight that allows for completion of 30 power snatches in 1 minute or less.
Currently a strongman Eddie Hall has the fastest time at 50.9 seconds.

Rich Froning is said to have completed Isabel in 53 seconds.


Elite – under 2 minutes

Advanced – 3-4 minutes

Beginners – 6-7 minutes

1 minute Isabel (Time)

The goal is to pick a weight that allows for completion of 30 power snatches in 1 minute or less.

:30 second max distance Echo bike (Distance)

– 1 attempt for max distance in meters
Take 2 attempts, score furthest distance

:30 second max distance row (Distance)

– 1 attempt for max distance in meters
Take 2 attempts, score furthest distance in meters

:30 second max distance ski erg (Distance)

– 1 attempt for max distance in meters
Take 2 attempts, score furthest distance in meters.

1 minute max HRPU (AMRAP – Reps)

With good form, chest touches floor and full extension at top, do as many HRPU as possible in 1 minute.

Cornhole challenge (Time)

Make 3 into the hole for time