CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Db crucifix hold (Time)
Given four minutes and a max of three attempts –
Hold dumbbells straight out to your side, palms down, hold dumbbells at shoulder level for as long as possible .
Time is the score, weight goes in the comment section.
Possible weights: MRx: 10/5: Rx: 15/10: Rx+: higher
Rowing Stamina (Calories)
With a :40/1:20 work/rest ratio row 6 sets for total calories .
Countdown Chipper (Time)
Work all the way down through the following :
– 75 hanging knee raises (L-C-R)
– 60 axle bar curls MRx: short bar + 10lbs; Rx: long bar + 20 lbs; Rx+: specialty bars + 50 lbs
– 50 lunge step steering wheel turns (25/25) MRx: 25/15: Rx: 35/25: Rx+: 45/35
– 40 plank (on hands) alternating toe touches
– 30 plank (on elbows) opposite side reach thru + upward turn and reach
– 20 rag kb supination /pronation forearm turns
MRx/Rx: 20/15; Rx+: 16/12 kg
– 10 axle bar bent over rows MRx: short bar + 10 lbs; Rx: long bar + 20 lbs; Rx+: specialty bar + 50 lbs
– curls should be broken up in sets of 10 due to shortage of bars