CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Think like an immigrant. Act like an artisan.”
To “think like an immigrant” is to have a mindset where nothing is owed. There’s no legacy spot awaiting me. I’m not owed a job, a title bump, or a promotion. That no matter who or what I was yesterday, I’m brand new today. So I better plan to work harder than I ever have before to achieve my goals.
To “act like an artisan”, is to live a life of passion. In the middle-ages, before mass production, every pair of shoes, every saddle, tool and utensil were made by hand. All one-off productions. By a creator, called an artisan. Artisans took great pride in their work, and would carve their initials into each piece they created.
Regardless of what we’ve accomplished, nothing is owed to us. Yesterday is gone… and we’ll earn today. And in everything we do, let’s take so much care that we could proudly etch our name into the side of our work for the world to see. We are humble, we are hungry, and we are the hardest damn workers in the room.
Can you list 3 things you did yesterday that you are proud of?
Back Squat (Back Squat
Heavy Single
– Barbell should come from a rack.
– Athletes don’t necessarily need to be going for a PR today but if it’s there, go for it!
– Score: Load
Warm Up
1:00 Bottom Of Air Squat Hold
10 Air Squats
30s Empty Barbell Bottom of Back Squat Hold
10 Empty Barbell Back Squats
5 Back Squats (Light Weight)
3 Back Squats (Moderate Weight)
…Keep building in singles until you reach your heavy for the day.
– Box Squat
– Front Squat
Calamari (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
40/30 Calorie Row
20 Thrusters MRx:55/35, Rx:65/45, Rx+:75/55
10 Bar Muscle-ups
– Overview: Athletes will be challenged to hold onto the barbell for bigger sets of thrusters in this 15 minute workout which will impact the bar muscle-ups and pacing on the rower.
– Row: Should be completed in 3:00 or less.
– Thrusters: Should be completed in 2:00 or less. Loading should not exceed 50% of your 1RM thruster.
– Bar Muscle-Ups: Should be completes in 2:00 or less. Athletes should be able to do at least 5 reps unbroken when fresh. to complete reps as prescribed.
– Score: Rounds + Reps
– Our first focus should be on the muscle-ups as these are a big separator. If you have the capacity to go for 10 unbroken or 6-4 let’s go for it here and strategize the other two movements around that. If more sets are needed we may need to push the other 2 movements a bit more to compensate.
– Let’s aim for 1-4 sets on the thrusters. Again, this will come down to what your bar muscle-up sets look like.
– The row will be the movement where we catch our breath a bit.
– Reduce Cals
– 40/30 Cal Bike Erg
– 30/24 Cal Assault or Echo Bike
– 30/24 Cal Ski
– 30/24 Cal Air Run
– Reduce Loading
– Sub Dumbbells
– Sub Kettlebells
– Front Squats
– Push Presses
– Reduce Reps
– Ring Muscle-Ups
– Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups
– Banded Bar Muscle-Ups
– Bar Dips
– Chest To Bar Pull-ups
– Double Dumbbell Devil’s Presses