CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
30 , 30, Why 30? (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a 30 minute AMRAP, and in teams of 2, do:
– partner 1: 30 db biceps curl triplet (both arms) (10 regular, 10 reverse, 10 hammer) MRx: 15/10; Rx: 25/20; Rx+: 35/30
– partner 2: standing 90 degree bent elbow plate hold MRx: 25/15; Rx: 35/25
– partner 1: 30 2 hand OH triceps db extension MRx: 35/25; Rx: 50/30; Rx+ 60/40
– partner 2: ski erg
– partner 1: 30 (15/15) wall ball toss (2) sit ups MRx: anything lighter; Rx: 20/14
– partner 2: place and catch wall balls (switch positions)
– partners 1 & 2: 100 battle ropes (each)
– partners 1 & 2 (at the same time): 100 m finger tip carry MRx: 25/15; Rx: 35/25; Rx+ 45/35
– partners 1 & 2 (at the same time): 10 (5/5) kb get up sit up MRx: 0/0; Rx: 20/15
– when the event has a person doing another activity, if they have to break so must the other person. These are done together.
– the wall ball toss sit up requires 2 wall balls
– both athletes must finish when, activities done together, before moving to the next event