CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Which way to the beach? (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a 40 minute window do:

Buy-in 80 heavy ropes jumps MRx: 2.8; Rx: 5.5; Rx+: 8.8 (S: 80 weighted step ups)

Then as many rounds as possible of:
1) 20 floor wipers (no weight) (10/10)
2) 10 db flyes MRx: 25/20; Rx: 35/30; Rx+: 45/40
3) 10 V-ups
4) 10 bench press MRx: 95/65; Rx: 115/80; Rx+: 160/115
5) 20 side oblique crunches (10/10)
6) 20 db kickbacks (10/10) MRx: 25/20; Rx: 35/30; Rx+: 45/40
7) 30 hanging knee raises R-10, C-10, L-10
8) 10 1db2 hand OH triceps ext. MRx: 50/45; Rx: 55/50; Rx+: 60/55
9) 10 plate weighted abmat sit ups MRx: 35; Rx: 45; Rx+: 55
10) 10 wide push ups
11) 20 side plank + leg raises (10/10)
12) 10 diamond push ups
13) 10 roll outs
14) 10 chest dips
15) 10 floor M&M’s
16) 10 db pullovers MRx: 50/45; Rx: 55/50; Rx+: 60/55
– weighted step ups – use one of your db’s no weight specified

– Rx+ can be anything at or above listed weight

– planks can be on forearm or hand

– chest dips are facing the apparatus