CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“True strength is the courage to admit weakness.”

Show me an athlete who is afraid to look bad, silly, or stupid… and I’ll show you back an athlete who will lose every time.

Vulnerability is a hot theme nowadays, and rightfully so.

It’s the first step, and arguably most challenging, in facing our fears. It’s an extension of the “awareness” phase, where we admit to ourselves (and potentially to others), that we have soft spots. And much like many other aspects in life, awareness is everything.

Gone are the days where “toughness” is summarized with gritted teeth and bad attitudes. Real mental toughness is facing the demons, the skeletons in the closet, the soft spots, and going on the attack.

Show me an athlete who is *willing* to look bad, silly, or stupid… and I’ll show you back a very powerful competitor.

Clean and Jerk (Clean & Jerk

For Time:
10 Clean & Jerks @ 55%
8 Clean & Jerks @ 63%
6 Clean & Jerks @ 72%
4 Clean & Jerks @ 80%
2 Clean & Jerks @ 88%

– These can be squat or power cleans as well as split or push jerks. We suggest a squat clean & split jerk.

– Reps do not need to be performed touch and go. DO NOT DROP BB.

– Use 1 barbell and swap out the weights. Clips/collars should be used for every lift.

– Score: Score weight of set of 2 reps at 88%. Score time in notes.

Warm Up

With An Empty Barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Strict Presses

5 Deadlifts

5 Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Squat Cleans

5 Split Jerks

With A Light Weight:

3 Clean & Jerks

With A Moderate Weight:

2 Clean &Jerks

…Keep making weight jumps until you reach 55%


– Reduce Percentages

– Sub Dumbbells

– Clean Only

Here and There (Time)

“Here and There”

For Time:
800-600-400 Meter Run
40-30-20 Deadlifts
20-15-10 Handstand Push-ups

MRx: 95/55, Rx: 115/75, Rx+: 135/95

– Overview: Athletes should move through this workout at their threshold pace. The weight is lighter on the barbell today with the reps being on the higher side. 

– Run: The 800m run should take about 4:00, the 600m should take about 3:00, and the 400m should take about 2:00. 

– Deadlifts: Loading should not exceed 45% of your 1RM deadlift.

– Handstand Push-Ups: These can be performed with or without a kip. Reps should take no longer than 1:30 in any round.

– Score: Total time
– Pace the run in a way that will allow you to get your hands right on the bar when you come in.

– Aim for sets of 7 or more on the deadlifts. Remember that the smaller the set, the quicker the break!

– Aim for sets of 5 or more on the hspu.

– Quick transitions will be key in this workout.


800-600-400 METER RUN

– Reduce Distance

– 800-600-400m Ski

– 2000-1500-1000m Bike (Any Bike)

– 1000-750-500m Row

– 32-24-16 Shuttle Runs (25ft. Out + 25ft. Back)


– Reduce Reps/Loading

– Sub Dumbbells

– Sub Kettlebells


– Reduce Reps

– Use Riser

– Double Dumbbell Push Press

– Push-Ups