CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Sally Up” (AMRAP – Reps)
Push ups
30 total
Core Matters (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
25 minute AMRAP of:
– 100m (50 Right/50 Left) heavy 1 arm db carry MRx: 50/30; Rx: 60/40; Rx+: 70/50
– 30 V-hold kayak strokes (15 each side) MRx: 35/15; Rx: 45/35; Rx+: 50/40
– 5 roll outs w/ push ups
– 10 (2 db) push ups w/ bent over row MRx: 20/15; Rx: 35/25; Rx+: 45/30
– 100m run (50m walk) [Come prepared to go outside]
– :30s stomach vacuum
– 10 [2 hand] OH db tri ext MRx: 50/30; Rx: 60/40; Rx+: 70/50
– 10 prone 2 hand 2 db triceps skull crusher MRx: 20/15; Rx: 35/25; Rx+: 45/30
– 10 prone 2 hand db floor bench press MRx: 20/15; Rx: 35/25; Rx+: 45/30