CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If failure is not an option, neither is success.”
We fear the one who is willing to lose it all. The one who is willing to play full out with no reserves. The one who swings for the fences.
That’s a dangerous person. Dangerous enough… to accomplish something great.
We all have a comfort zone. A status quo. It’s warm, cozy, and familiar. But it’s a box, with a ceiling and walls that we can see and touch. It’s a world that cannot grow further than what it’s already grown to.
If we want to grow, we have to climb out of that world into the unknown. To face that chance that we may fall flat on our face, because we’re walking in new ground. Yet, as much as a “swing and a miss” may sting a bit, there’s something far worse. Worse than any of that is the pain of knowing that we didn’t try.
Life is so short.
There’s no time to bunt.
Let’s swing for the fences.
Back Squat (Back Squat
6 Sets:
Set 1: 8 Back Squats @ 61%
Set 2: 6 Back Squats @ 70%
Set 3: 4 Back Squats @ 79%
Set 4: 8 Back Squats @ 64%
Set 5: 6 Back Squats @ 73%
Set 6: 4 Back Squats @ 82%
Rest 1 Minute Between Sets.
– Barbell should come from a rack.
– Pauses between reps are permitted.
– Score: Enter weight used for last set of 4 Reps at 82%
1:00 Bottom Of Air Squat Hold
10 Air Squats
:30s Empty Barbell Bottom of Back Squat Hold
10 Empty Barbell Back Squats
8 Back Squats (Light Weight)
6 Back Squats (Moderate Weight)
…Keep building in sets of 4 until you reach 61%
– Lower The Percentages
– Box Squat
– Front Squat
Have A Nice Day (Time)
“Have A Nice Day”
8 Rounds For Time:
30 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit-Ups OR Weighted AbMat Sit-Ups
7 Thrusters
BB-MRx: 55/35, Rx: 65/45, Rx+: 75/55
Sit-Ups-MRx: Weighted 25/15 Plate, Rx: 35/25 Plate, Rx+: GHD
– Feel: This workout should feel intervals of unbroken GHD Sit-Ups and thrusters with double unders as your recovery.
– Double Unders: Should be completed in less than 1:00 each round.
– GHD: Should be completed in less than :30s each round.
– Thrusters: Loading should not exceed 50% of your 1RM thruster. Reps should be completed in less than 30s each round.
– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout.
– Aim for unbroken sets on GHDand thrusters.
– Use the double unders to breathe and relax the shoulders as much as possible.
– There are lots of transitions in this workout so set up your workout with all your equipment close together. Focus on making those transitions smooth today.
– Reduce Reps
– 1:00 Cap
– 1:00 of Practice
– 45 Single Unders
– 30 Plate Hops
– Reduce Reps
– GHD to Parallel
– Weighted AbMat Sit-Ups
– Regular AbMat Sit-Ups
– Reduce Reps/Loading
– Sub Dumbbells
– Air Squats